Ku habboon lakabyo hal ama dhowr ah oo maqaar ah, caag, caag, maro, isbarbardhig, maqaar macmal ah, gaar ahaan loo yaqaan 'PVC', gaar ahaan qaab ballaaran, qalab duuban oo kale ah; especially the rules of cutting, small die cutter, large quantities of special parts apply such as football, volleyball, tennis, cutting discs.
35t afar-tiir oo tiir oo tiir jir ah oo jilicsan bag, package, toys, stationery, automobile and other industries.
This machine is mainly used for the cutting of full or half-cut sheet materials, PVC plastic electronic foam, label stickers, rubber and other electronic materials. Waa qalab yar oo si gaar ah loogu talagalay in lagu farsameeyo xaashida waraaqda waraaqda ah, ku dhejinta taleefanka gacanta, dhejisyada, sawirrada, iwm.