Uses And Features: 1. The machine is suitable for whole-broken or semi-broken operation of various nonmetal slices materials by shaped die cutter. Tusaale ahaan: Xirmooyinka balaastigga, baakadaha suufka ah, caagga, daabacaadda iyo warshadaha kale. 2. Microcomputer ayaa gacanta ku dhigay, oo leh hawlgal fudud, oo dhakhso leh oo sax ah. 3. The main machine adopts the structure of double oil cylinder, double-crank link balance, four-column precise oriented, to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 4. When...
Uses And Features: 1. The machine is suitable for whole-broken or semi-broken operation of various nonmetal slices materials by shaped die cutter. Tusaale ahaan: Xirmooyinka balaastigga, baakadaha suufka ah, caagga, daabacaadda iyo warshadaha kale. 2. Microcomputer ayaa gacanta ku dhigay, oo leh hawlgal fudud, oo dhakhso leh oo sax ah. 3. The main machine adopts the structure of double oil cylinder, double-crank link balance, four-column precise oriented, to ensure same cutting depth in every cutting region. 4. When...
Muuqaalka muhiimka ah 1. Madaxa goynta ayaa ah ilaa miiska goynta, taas oo fududeysa in la jaro agab ballaaran. The cutting die could be combined with the beam or be placed on the material/ 2. The machine equipped with sharp die is able to cut thick materials, which are soft or semi-rigid in roll or sheet. 3. Xoogga Hydralic waxay qayb ka ciyaarayaan inta badan saxaafadda oo buuxa. Ka sokow, mashiinadu waxay ku hayn karaan isku-dheellitirka nidaamka dheelitirka gaarka ah markay socdaan. 4. Waxaa jira qaabab quudin badan oo quudinta ah: Quudinta Buug-gacmeedka, Auto Slindis ...
Uses And Features The machine is used to cut leather, rubber, plastic, paperboard, cloth, sponge, nylon, imitation leather, PVC board and other materials with shaped die cuter in processing leather, producing cloth, case and bag, package, toys, stationery, automobile and other industries. 1. Korsanaya qaab dhismeedka afarta-sadar ah oo ku saleysan afar-sadar iyo isku-dheellitirnaan iyo isku-dheellitirka caloosha si loo hubiyo isku-goynta isku-goynta ee gobol kasta oo goynta ah. 2. Use double-cylinder driven to achieve the cutting power of hig...